Seattle is a beautiful city as I imagine.

And my host family is also great!

I like them and also my comfortable bed!^^


My breakfast today is pancake and I like it.

Home mother just took us to walk in mountain pathway with her doggy.

I can't wait to go city area and other scenic spots.

By the way, I have two males and they are here till March.

Sebastian is from Germany and Jin is from Korea.

They are both younger than me and look like very active.


I can't believe it!

My home father works as a rocket scientist and works in NASA!

It's so cool and Deanna(home mother) say that maybe we can visit NASA.

I think that's an unexpected trip I have in Seattle.

And in the afternoon, we walk along the Lake Washington.

There is a pretty place, and hope that I can often go there.

After dinner, we have a chat in the living room.

We talked about many things including my country,

Deanna and Randy's kids, Randy's job...and on.

I give present to my host family and males.

To my host family,

I give them chopstick that have landscapes of China on it.

Deanna has used chopstick to having the dinner but Randy just give up!

And to my males,

Chinese Knot with some words mean safe travel is appropriate for them.

Today is a sunny day and hope tommorrow would be.

And also hope I will have a nice dream tonight!^^



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