目前分類:Life in Seattle (67)

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Dear Randy & Deanna:

    I am so lucky to stay in such a nice homestay! It's an
unforgettable experience and memory to live with you as
well. I enjoyed everything with you such as thanksgiving

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I will depart from Seattle 72 hours later.

Oh, well, it's definitely time to go back.

I have been satisfied with having 3 months vacation.


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I skipped the class again~~~Please forgived me, God.
It will be my vacation in the next 2 weeks before I go
back to Taiwan. What I want to do will be relaxing and
living with leisurely steps in Seattle. The museums in
Seattle would be free in the first Thursday of every month.

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I didn't mean to skip the class in the afternoon but I
did it indeed. I would like to feel free in the next 2
weeks and do something I truly wanted to do. What
I did today was going to used bookstore to buy the
novels 「Chronicles of Narnia」. It would be more

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It extremely let me down when I found that someone
I didn't like and who did something terrible on me
browsed my blog without my permission. I had no idea
about how to deal with this kind of emotions but what
I only knew was to express my protest. 

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           One day, my home mother’s dad visited our
home. When he knew I was from Taiwan, he told me

that his brother and sister just came back from my
country. They thought Taiwan was a convenient and

beautiful country, but what they only complained about

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I couldn't image that I had gone to Karaoke
to sing the songs with my friends in Seattle!
It was unbelievable that here were Karaoke
shops. However, the equipments of the Karaoke
in Seattle were absolutely not able to compare

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The weather was getting warmer and warmer in Seattle.
Unfortunately, I would only stay here for 2 more weeks.
It's a good time to live in Seattle and visit some attractions.
I would like to enjoy everyday in the USA.

I will go to Leavenworth this Saturday. I will also go to

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We were actually addicted to Mah-Junh because
we played it again today. Mah-Junh is exactly a
kind of drugs which would make you get addiction.
But I thought it didn't matter what we did during
CNY. We just did it for fun and released our

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Happy Chinese New Year!!!
We had a hot pot party in the evening of the CNY's Eve.
After having the dinner, we played Mah-Junh according
to the Chinese traditions(?). How interesting our party
was because lots of the friends who are from HK and

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How fun the skiing was!
We went skiing today and learned how to fall safely.
I thought that I was a skiing genius. It was my first
time to ski, actually, I did it very well. I didn't get

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How amazing the underground tour was! What does the
underground tour means? According to the history of the
Seattle, there was a fire accident in 1889. Because the
blood came every year and the residents had been influenced

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Happy Chinese New Year!
It's my first time to leave home during the Chinese New Year.
How sad I can't have a dinner with my family, but how delightful
I am able to have the experience of living in another country
during Chinese New Year.

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Which is worse? Natural disaster or manmade disaster?
In my opinion, manmade disaster is worse and more terrible.
The damage of manmade disasters is unmeasurable because
there are many sophisticated weapons which we don't know
in the world. Unfortunately, when the manmade disaster

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I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute
the office of President of the United States, and
will to the best of my ability, preserve , protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States. 
                                 ~the Presidential Oath~

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I will go to Portland tomorrow!
See you 3 days later.

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Actually, I agree with spiritual healing.
However, I also believe that we should put health ahead of protecting ourselves.
We don't know how serious the disease we have was before we see a doctor.
The reason why I talk about this topic is there is a case about the conflict between the religion and rights.
One of my teacher has been treated by spiritual and religious treatment.

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I did do the test very terrible today!
I couldn't believe that I screwed it up and got such a big trouble in listening ability.
Perhaps I never paid attention to my listening ability although I had already realized my weakness.
If I could study harder, I would get a better scores.
However, I was not a good student and not good at studying.

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I am crazy about the song「Colors of the wind」 recently.
Perhaps I am attracted by its lyrics or melody of this song.
Anyway, I do like this song very much!


Colors of the wind                       Venessa Williams

You think you own whatever land you land on

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Practice makes perfect!
It's always useful in success.
What you have to do while you are longing to succeed is to practice and practice.
Is it the reason why Susan always gives us so much homework?
Yes, I think so.

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