目前分類:Life in Seattle (67)

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There are so many things in your life that will catch your eye but only a few will catch your heart.

It's the reason why we always remember something neat but tiny.

However, we can't keep all memories in our mind.

Photographing and keeping the journal are the good ways to help us keep something unforgettable.

When I browsed the pictures which my friends and I took before, I always felt delightful.

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I went to Pike Place Market today and bought some souvenirs.

There were many restaurants in the pier 51-57th, such as the Crab Pot.

If you see everything toward positive atitude, everything is so funny and interesting.

I also met a man came from Algeria and we had a chat for a while.

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Today is a 「Microsoft」 day.

Yes, we visited Microsoft Campus today and had the experience of visiting one of the biggest company in the world.

There are many buildings in the Microsoft Campus and we almost get lost.

As one of the biggest company, they respected everyone in their campus.

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I always enjoy traveing no matter where I am.

Not only for fun but experiencing the life would be the most important reasons why I like traveling.

For me, 2008 was extremely changeful.

Traveling is always a good therapy to treat your mind.

So I traveled.

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It's raining and windy today.

And it was really queer that every car went by the bridge on the Lake Washington went slowly!

It caused the traffice jam and I had to take more time back to home.

The people live in the US probably don't know how stronge the wind and the surf is in other countries.

They are not only polite to human but also to nature such as surf!

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Swimming is an exercise which is good for health and your respiratory system.



Because I wanted to get in shape and treat my rhinitis by swimming, I went to swimming class in my school.


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If you have a girlfriend or boyfriend who your parents don't like very much,

what will your parents talk to you?

Deanna wonder some answers to this question in order to give some suggestions to her son and daughter.

Her son has a girlfriend who is lazy and really doesn't like to get along with her son's family.

By the way, her son is an active boy and close to his family.

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Nothing special today but the snow is almost melting out.



I have some plans for this weekend such as watch some movies and go to space needle.


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The last day of 2008 is an ending of such a special year for me.



All I want to do today is only going through smoothly and as common as I went by everyday.


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What was the biggest news on 2008


The biggest one in the political issue would be Barack Obama.


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Reviewing the year of 2008 is the topic which we talked about in our class today.


What did you do in the past one year and how did you describe 2008 for yourself

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I helped puppies to take a shower today after taking a walk outside and they got whole body dirty and wet.


I thought that it was their first time to take a shower, because they looked like scared and didn’t like getting their body wet.


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Because the snow was melting, it was very cold outside.



After a long trip, I had to take a long break this weekend.


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I kept waiting my bus for 2 hours this morning and I was really a patient being.

Everyone asked me why you didn't give up, and go back home instead.

I thought that I just wanted to go to school and not stayed home all day again.

We will go to Canada tomorrow and I won't keep the journal in the next 6 days.

Good luch to ourselves and have a nice trip~~ 

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It's the first snowing holiday in my life.

While I left our house to take the bus in the morning, it snowed heavily.

Then, I came back and stay home all day.

It's really unusual in Seattle for heavy snow.

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Please stop snowing in Seattle and Vancouver!

I will have a nice trip if the weather is pretty nice during Christmas vacation.

Besides that, the snow must melt before Saturday.

Not only a nice trip but also a safe travel is really important for me.

Our school claims tnat if the neighborhood where you live is accumulated by snow tomorrow, the class will be canceled.

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In the class, we talked about 「Technology」today.

The way which improved the quality of our life is more convenient.

It's easy to connect with others, faster to gain information and connect the global village.

In such a advanced world, we use these technologies everyday.

In other word, we almost can't live without using the technology.

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Snow haven't melt until today.

The lawn was still covered by snow.

People don't want to go outside because it's too cold to walk at a leisurely pace.

It's an unusual weather in Seattle and we are so lucky that we stay in such a cold weather which is one of the coldest year here.

I can't go outside without the muffler and neckerchief.

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It was also an another sunny day but still freezing cold outside.

I stayed home all day for looking up the travel information and taking a break after having a tired camping.

The 2 puppies in our home liked to play outside and they were so cute for playing on the snowing lawn.

After having the dinner, Randy chatted with us and talked about his friend who get a strange disease.

His friend got a disease which can make patient's body weaker and weaker.

hrpdng 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today is the first snowing day in Seattle this year.

However, for a person who waited a bus for 1 hour is not a good news.

Unfortunately, I had the terrible experience today.

It's very cold for waiting the bus and it's also a very special experience for waiting the bus with snowing.


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