目前分類:Life in Seattle (67)

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I went to a family party with a girl whose homestay held this party these 2 days.

Including singing chorus, making toys and so on, it was a Christian Camps with a lot of activities and performances.

First, there were also tons of Christmas lights in the camps.


Second, donuts sold by boys was a kind of famous food in this camps.

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The class in the afternoon today was my first time for skipping class in Kaplan.

I just felt tired and sleepy in this afternoon.

As an excellent student, skipping class is not very good for studying English.

However, it's also a new experience for studying English in Seattle.


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Introduce the 「Bunco Game」:

*What do you have to bring to the game?
  1. $5
  2. one gift

*Game rule:

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I joined the 「Bunco game」with neighborhood women tonight.

It was really fun and interesting.

Everyone who joined this game had to give $5 and prepared a gift in the beginning.

First, there were 6 rounds and 6 numbers for each round for this game.

Second, 4 people threw dice in the same table and someone who sat face to face was your partner.

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「What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.」Randy said after we went hiking last week.

The air in the mountain was too cold to breathe when we went hiking in today morning.

We also walked the trail for a long time.

He and Deanna also encouraged us to exercise more and integrate into American society as much as we could.

They also knew that we came here for studying English and they help up as much as they could. 

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Today was another sunny day.

I got up early and wanted to go Chinatown originally.

But Deanna suggested that we can go water fall park and walk along river trail.

It's an impressive sight and everyone went to river channel without paying attention to the warning notice.


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Kaplan(my school) held an activity 「Amazing Race」today.

We had to complete twelve missions and then back to the place we gathered.

The missions such as buying a pear, drinking eggnog and take a picture with moustache mouth were very interesting.

We are so lucky that we can complete our mission smoothly.

Finally, we got the first place and won $75.

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Excerpted from 「Kung Fu Panda」:

「Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is mystery.

Only Today is a gift, that's why we call it Present.」

I watched 「kung Fu Panda」during the flight from Taipei to Seattle.

The excerpt attracted me a lot.

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Every family decorated their home for Christmas attentively and also had put a Christmas tree in their house.



I took a browsing around the campus of University of Washington today. 

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How time flies~~~~(again)

There was a big news in Taiwan 11 years ago-Murder with aqua regia case.

This case made a hit in the society and almost everyone remembered this news.

The murderer had been released recently.

She apologized deeply for her mistakes and hoped that everyone in this society can give some chance to offset her crime.

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How time flies~~

Today is the first day of December and also the season of winter!

However, I get some trouble and need to solve this problem today.

I want to stay in Deanna's home until I go back to Taiwan.

Deanna and I make the deal that I can pay housing fee to her directly and not through my school.

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I stayed home all day and did my assignment.

We had to write down paragraph about a situation which someone didn't demonstrate emotional intelligence very well,

and what could we have done to improve the situation.

Please find the following paragraph I worte and it was not a true story, just for homework


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Traveling is a part of learning and living.

To learn getting well along with unknown environment when traveling.

To learn communicating with stranger when traveling.

To learn dealing with every trouble when traveling.

People said, '' Sometimes, we like having a trip because the environment we visit is unfamiliar. "

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"Everyday is a new day" stand for my life in Seattle.

In other words, we always have something interesting to do everyday.

The day after thanksgiving day, decorating for Christmas is the most important thing for American.

Furthermore, Deanna and Randy buy new TV today and we have to put it away on the wall.

In a word, we are very busy today and I even have no time to go shopping.

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Thanksgiving meal was everywhere and everyone was full so much!

There were turkey, pumpkin pie, pear pie, apple pie, salad, ...and so on in our dinning tables.

Therefore, they were hospitable and friendly.

The grandma liked to stay in the kitchen and was always busy preparing the meal.

Others were also busy cooking dinner or talking to each one.

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There was a thanksgiving party in my school today.

Many kinds of food appeared overthere such as Korean, Japanese...etc.

Students came from many countries took some meal school.

However, the most important meal was TURKEY in thanksgiving party.

Everyone with the same country was happy talking to others and also full after lunch.

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There are 2 more puppy in my host family!

They are only 8 weeks old and are so cute!



I like them so much and I think that people in Taiwan should have more caring on animals like as American.

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I planed the trip during Christmas vacation.

It's interesting to plan an self-service travel to Canada.

However, I feel confused about where I want to go.

There are many scenic spots in Canada and I can only choose somewhere special or fun to trip.

I will go to Vancouver and Victoria, but I need to discuss about the details and the schedule with my partner.

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Today is assignment-doing day.

The class talked about kind things this week and the homework we need to complete also talk about it.

Please find the following essay for my assignment:

「I donated US$50 to China where big earthquake happened last May.
Over 69,000 people died and lots of infrastructure in China was destroyed.

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「Have a nice weekend!」

Almost every person will tell you the congratulation in the US if today is Friday.

The difference between Taiwanese and American might be we can't arrange the weekend very well.

It's important to them to take a whole rest and have fun in the weekend.

I try to make a well arrangement today.

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