Introduce the 「Bunco Game」:

*What do you have to bring to the game?
  1. $5
  2. one gift

*Game rule:
  1. 6 numbers(1~6) per round and 5 rounds per game.
  2. 3 dices for each person.
  3. 4 people in one table. Someone who sit face to face is your partner.

*What is 「point」& 「Bunco」?
  1. 「Point」is the number you get and you have to throw the number which is indicated for each time.
  2. 「Bunco」is the same indicated number you throw.

*How many points the player can get?
  1. It depends on the indicated number show on your 3 dices.
      The player can continue throwing the dices if you continue throwing out the indicated number.
      If not, the player who throw the dices have to change.
  2. The player who throw the same number on the player's 3 dices except indicated number can get 5 points.

*Who win?
  1. 21 points at most and the player who get 21 points wins. And the player can get 1 sticker.
  2. The player who throw 「Bunco」wins no matter how many points you got already.
      The player can get 2 stickers and the player's partner get 1 sticker at that time.

*Who can get a gift?
  1. The player who throw「Bunco」or more than 14 points in the first time can get 1 gift.
  2. The player can exchange gift with others when he/she throws「Bunco」or more than 14 points again.

*Who can win the money?
  1. The player who throws the last Bunco wins $25.
  2. The player who gets the highest stickers wins $20.
  3. The player who gets the highest stickers in his/her table wins $10.

In conclusion, It's an interesting game.

I would like to introduce this game to my friends.


Besides, my 2 classmates visited my host family today.

We took a walk with the puppies and saw beautiful Christmas lights.

In conclusion again, I am happy today.


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