Today is assignment-doing day.

The class talked about kind things this week and the homework we need to complete also talk about it.

Please find the following essay for my assignment:

「I donated US$50 to China where big earthquake happened last May.
Over 69,000 people died and lots of infrastructure in China was destroyed.
China government still rebuild infrastructure and recover the environment until today.

It will spend much money and time restoring the area earthquake happened.
We can't enter China for rescuing the people but we can donate money, food, clothes and anything they need.
Because a big earthquake happened in Taiwan about ten years ago, it caused the empathy I have.
Besides, I am also Chinese and I just help ourselves.

I feel lucky that I own the ability to give help to others and I feel happy that someone might survive and receive the help.」

We will be busy preparing the thanksgiving stuff next week.

There will be a big party for thanksgiving in our school,

and we also have a thanksgiving party in Deanna's family.

I am looking forward to participating all the party!

Keesha is an active, cute and sweet dog~~~~


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