Thanksgiving meal was everywhere and everyone was full so much!

There were turkey, pumpkin pie, pear pie, apple pie, salad, ...and so on in our dinning tables.

Therefore, they were hospitable and friendly.

The grandma liked to stay in the kitchen and was always busy preparing the meal.

Others were also busy cooking dinner or talking to each one.

It was so pitty for leaving our home with haste and forgetting taking the digital camera! 

It was so pitty for not being able to take some pictures for the abundant dinner!

I will remember this experience and won't forget to take camera out next time.


Besides, Randy and I ran along the trail and acrossed 5-6 hills this morning.

In the begining, The air was too cold to breathe and I felt uncomfortable.

Gradually, I thought that I adapted the cold air and I felt better.

After going exercising, I was tired.

But it was reasonable to eat more in the thanksgiving dinner.



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