I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute
the office of President of the United States, and
will to the best of my ability, preserve , protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States. 
                                 ~the Presidential Oath~

I am so glad and delight that I am here at this historic
moment. The dream of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had
been come true by electing the first African-American
president in the US. 「I have a dream that my four little
children will one day live in a nation where they will not
be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content
of their characters
.」said Dr. King, everyone in the world
witnessed this historic moment when Barack Obama made
the promise that he would do his best to be a president.

I am not enthusiastic about political issue but caring
about what and who will change the world and our
mind. What inauguration of Barack Obama means is not
only there is a new leader in the US, but there is a totally
racial equality in this country. We hope that Barack Obama
will bring the Hopes and Changes to this country by his
wisdom. For me, not the citizen of the US, I hope that
the leader of my country would know the leadership of
being a president and the wisdom of leading a country.
Perhaps I don't make sense of leadership, but I sincerely
hope there will be an excellent but humble, foresighted but
thorough president in my country.



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