We talked about 「charity」 today in our class.

There was a presentation for discussing about what Seattle need and we need to found a charity for satisfying the need.

The students come from Taiwan have more imagination than the one who come from other country.

Keith(Taiwan student) and I thought that we wanted to found an 「umrella charity in Seattle.

The reason why we found it is people who often forget bringing their umbrella out.

However, the weather in Seattle is so unexpected that we can't prepare well for raining day.

It's so convenient for people if we put umbrella in each corner, especially in winter.

A big problem would be caused is umbrella is everywhere, because people often forget returning

back it and put it in the supermarket, restaurant, school and somewhere else.

Today is a raining day and I think this charity is necessary for me.



Tonight, we fabricated the coffee tables which was bought from warehouse.

Not only an excellent sales for selling furniture but also an expert good at fabricating the furniture!

After doing brainstorm for building our coffee table, we ate browni which is baked by ourselves.

It's pretty good to taste the snack last night.

Maybe I can buy some back to Taiwan and I can bake some for tea time.

A big problem is I need  to loss weight by exercising more and also my roommates.  XD 


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