Korean students drowned the city!

We combined 2 classes to one and there are almost korean students in our classroom.

I will go nuts to hear the Korean English in my life.


I must be used to getting along well with my Korean classmates because I will be able to stay here for a long time.

It's necessay and important to get along well with any kinds of people or environment in the world.

Who is my idol?

「Cockroaches」 often appear in my biography when I talk about this subject.

The reason why cockroach is my idol is they can survive in any situation.

Sometimes, we need to think something different about 「do somethings we like 」and 「like somethings we do」.



Friday afternoon is good for going along with other classmates.

Today, we went to play bowling and met lots of new friends.

We were happy today, even they are almost Korean.

It's also the time that I have come here for one week.

It is a good news to 「survive」 in Seattle for one week, isn't it?

Going exercising is beneficial to fall asleep.

It's time to hit the hay!



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